Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Once again i have read the ever inspiring story of Fruits Basket...

For some reason every time i read this story, it gives an impact to me...i don't know why...maybe that's why it became the 1st hit manga in america..

This story is full of deep thoughts that could really help teenagers...and give impact to their lives...honestly? it can really do..

Fruits Basket is a very nice and beautiful story that the writer itself is such a deep thinker that it gives impact to the readers...i want to finish the story...but then it hurts me even more as i come to read it...

WEird ei? why would i get hurt with simply just reading a comic book...you know why i'm so hurt?...coz im jealous...im so jealous that the writer got the same idea as i did...

Even before i have read fruits basket, the idea was already in my mind...I thought it'll make a great story coz its main goal is to help teenagers and touch their lives...but then...Fruits Basket...i lost...

Even if i try and publish my manga someday...wont the reader's say, "isn't this just like Fruits Basket?, all filipino's are the same getting the ideas from other movies or other stories..."

Would it hurt if smeone said that to you?... I can't even compromise anymore...

My heart is so confused right now...hurt...sad...and in realy pain... The story that i've been trying to write, i've been trying to finish has been already finished by soemone else...my idea my original idea is seen as only 'copied'... The title of my Story "seeds of seceret" is copied... no matter how many times i compromise with other people...tehy'd only see my story as 'copied'...

Now question drift to my mind if i should still continue my story...or should i stop it?...

THe only reason why i became so addicted to anime is because, when i was small, i only saw bad animes...i learned that anime is really bad and my classmates would say that i should stolp watching anime coz im a pastor's kid...i should stop...but then i couldn't... so ever since that day i promised myself that i will become a great artist someday and draw the best anime ever and write an anime story that is good, that it could touch the lives of other people... Ever since that day, i loved anime, till this day...

People tried asking me to stop my addiction, and sme even asked why i love anime so much... but i never told anyone my real reason of loving anime..but for some reason i feel that i just have to blurt it out...i know no one will read this blog of mine...but then..someday...this will be of use of something..

RIght now my mind is so confused, there are so many things i want to say, share, tell...but then sometimes, words can't be said...

Anime basically, is not my life...God is my life... I maybe be an anime addict..but i became an anime addict because of God... I wanted to write, i Christian Anime Manga...that'll bring teenagers to God... i want to be the first to write such manga...

A manga that'll make people smile, a manga that'll teach teenagers what true happiness really means... a Manga that'll show who Jesus is...

Now that i've blurted it all out...i juts realized soemthing...

Fruits Basket could've taken the idea from me...but it can never tell me to stop reaching my dream... I will still continue my manga, my story making, i will do my best to give it all and publish it all in two years time...

When i turn 18, Seeds of Secret will be a hit and will be read by alot of people, and it will change the lives of teenagers...This story is not copied, not stolen, not even mine...coz this story is God's story... I will finish this manga, no one can stop me... i give more focus on my manga now..it means less tardiness, but more work...

Do you ever wonder where i get such courage to say that this Manga is going to be a hit? Well let's just say its because, the Creator of All things, is beside me and HE will help me...

The main goal of this Manga...is to bring more people to Jesus...

Seeds Of Secret...never forget it, coz in 2 yrs time it'll be palced in your very hands...:-)


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