Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Dear Jesus,

You know what? once again today i heard the story of Rachel Joy Scott... and i somehow never got bored listening to it... ^^ While listening to the story i knew you were right beside me... whispering, "You can be like that..." for some reason i rejected it in my mind....coz i don't want to be someone else... but then i missed your very point... you said I could be like that, you never said, I could be like Rachel... So i just realized now you very point...

But before that... everytime i listen to Rachel's story, you touch my heart, inspire me...but this felt differently... its like this directly talked to my very heart... Several times did i hear this story of Rachel's... and several times have You touched my heart... and several times did you say "You can be like that"... and once, which is today, i finally listened...

You said, "You can be like that" meaning i can also take my stand and stand up for you, Jesus. You can touch millions of lives through my voice and through my hands... I am willing to use them for you, and i am actually honored to be of service to you... :)

YOu can use my voice, to sing through me and touch the lives of your children. You can use my hand to draw a Manga that will touch millions of lives.

Rachel Joy Scott left her handprints on a wall saying "This is Rachel Joy Scott's hands and it will touch millions of lives" well, mine is different... I will make a Manga and it will touch millions of lives... Seedz 0f Secret will be a manga inspired by your glory, mercy and love. Seedz 0f Secret will change the hearts of teenagers and bring them back to you and stand up for you. Seedz 0f Secret will be your story written by my hands... and i am glad and tahnkful for using my hands that were once worthless, but is now worthy because of You.

I can feel that you are telling me to start on my manga already... and stop getting jealous of other people's arts or stories, coz i have my own, which is directly used by You...:D thank you so much Jesus, and do not worry... I will finish my Manga for your Glory, that's a promise from your very Best friend... named SHiriel... ^.~


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