Friday, October 27, 2006


I won best costume in school for our UN day! i represented Mexico! ^.~ God is so good!=3

Here are some pictures =3

the solo ones are taken from my room hehe..xD i had fun with the webcam...well its because its my first time to be in curls!xD hehe..anyhoo! i had fun today! especially that God made me feel pretty today...=3.. i knda look like a mexican huh?..=p

Hehe well that's it! so much for fun..xD hehe now back to anime drawing! Wee!=3...

Im hungry..v.v... so ima guna go down and eat but before that...

Dear Jesus,

Thank you so much!!!!!!!!! you don't know how happy i am to be able to win and to be able to look pretty...=3...thank you so much that you made me this way...your really are an awesome artist! :D



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