Wednesday, November 01, 2006


wee! i just came from epol yesterday! and it sure was fun! like we had to travel going there by car for two hours and on hour by foot!>.< i finally climbed a mountain! it was kind of scary at first but then it was really fun..xD

It was so cold there! and me and my friends slept inside a tent, it was a pain in the back but then it was a great experience..:D and there was no electricity there! xD and teh bathrooms were not secured!!!xD what i mean bathrooms there were like 'exposed'....xD and my and my friends took our baths in a tiny in tiny...v.v...

but the greatest experience i had there is when we went to teh was a one hour trip towards there and one hour trip back...and it sure was HARD!!!! we passed thourgh a long river and i usually trip because of the rocks..xD and guess waht?!

we climbed teh water falls!!! fighting teh water was sure fun but scary..v.v.. i was supposed to be scared of heights but for some reason i just climbed teh water falls! and when we climbed down, i slipped several times!xD haha it was so fun!xD tehn on our way back we climbed a min waterfall, it was challenging coz we were all wet and we hvta climb teh slippery muddy paths, not to mention that t rained too while we were climbing..xD but then even though i wanted to give up, i couldn' i learned somthing..

I must always look at teh goal of teh race, no matter how hard teh race or obstacles are i should look forward teh finish line..:D hehe i'll do teh same with my manga making!!!!!!!!!:D wahah!

honestlt i wna come back to epol..xD but not this year coz its freezing tehre...c.c... and it was a fun adventure coz i was with my friends...^.~


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