Tuesday, May 31, 2011


God. . thank you for the great friendship, you've given me. . you do hear whispered prayers. :)

I woke up, excited to spend time with my best friend.

I waited till the time that he actually arrived.

I made him buy cute pails, for us to place our dreams in. :)

Mine is pink and his is green, with matching pens i bought. :)

But before everything else, he decided to take a walk.

A walk around our village, which is something i don't do.

We walked and i loved every minute of it,

Walking like little kids, around our village, late in the afternoon. :)

It was sweet, it was relaxing, it's something i missed doing.

Just walking and stopping from time to time.

Talking about our lives and some other things.

It felt soo good and warm and simple, yet special. :)

When we got back to our house, we sat for awhile,

to play around with the dogs and just rest.

When we were about to write our dreams for our pails,

i received a call, that changed all our plans for the night.

Both of us got sad coz i had to go and leave.

He said it was okay, but i knew it was not.

It was a special day, intended just for us.

It got ruined and blasted our moods down.

When we parted ways, we knew something was wrong.

And yes, something was wrong indeed.

When we got to talk in the evening after i got back,

We both just shot ourselves with painful words and such.

What seemed to be a happy day for both of us,

ended up to be the worst. SO many misunderstanding.

So many judgments and problems.

We ended up with hurting words, as sad way to end the day.

Tears fell down like crazy, drowning on my own thoughts,

the thoughts of depression crumbled in like crazy.

But there is a better tomorrow, that God has promised.

I knew that was glued in my heart, without me thinking about it.

Upon waking up, both thought it was okay,

but both ended in arguments that was a blessing in disguise.

An argument that hurt us both, but strengthened our bond more.

Never expected that its God's way of bringing us together, stronger.

God has not failed me not my best friend at all,

He made our bond stronger and deeper.

There are friendships that deserves a second chance,

a second chance to be better and stronger. :)

I'm just happy that no matter how unstable of an artist I am,

I have a stable best friend who doesn't let go that fast.

No matter how i drive him away, he comes back,

Holding the strength of God with him. :)

Now we're closer that yesterday. More better than before.

We'll be best friends for sure till God desires us to be.

I guess this is how great friendships are build up,

broken into pieces to build a better masterpiece. :)

Letting go of the past and focusing on what we have now.

Changing the norm and being proud to be different.

"Its so easy to doubt people, to not believe in them,

but it takes lots of sacrifices to trust people sincerely"

Me and my best friend might fight a lot like crazy,

but that's only the beginning of the story.

Breaking our outer cores, to reveal the inner ones.

Accepting our differences to make the bond stronger :D

i love you God, and thank you for the gift of friendship :D

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Tuesday, May 03, 2011

A Box of Confetti

Dear God. . Let me tell you about my day. :)

I woke up today, knowing that its a special day, but wasn't expecting it'll be a memorable one. :) Twenty-one is the number. I am actually at a point of my life where birthday celebrations are just a mere normal day to me; unlike when i was a kid when i couldn't wait for my special day to come and be grand. Also, i was at the lowest point of my life and so I didn't mingle as much to people, keeping myself busy, trying to evade people, losing a lot of relationships. And honestly? I wasn't planning anything, i actually just wanted that day to pass, like any normal day. . .but then, i guess, some people just won't allow that. They knew, that deep inside me, I wanted something to happen. :)

I had a long day, hang out with my best friend the whole afternoon with other friends in the mall, then have dinner with my family. After all the blessings and all the love that they lavished on me, i thought my day would end that way. I was tired, all i wanted was my bed and let tomorrow be another day. Everything just ends up quickly anyways. But then. . as i opened my bedroom door to sleep. . again. . i was proved wrong.

Confetti, balloons, a cake, a rose and two people who failed at popping party poppers, was right there, inside me room, with huge smiles packed with sweet intentions. :) I couldn't help but stare at them, i couldn't help but stop thinking for awhile, i couldn't help but smile and just be silent. I was speechless.

I just stared at them both smiling and saying "Thank you." I knew that it wasn't the expression that they expected. I looked a bit lifeless, i looked a bit disappointed and not contented, but deep inside, they don't know what's really happening; so let me tell you, that side of the story. :)

Right there on, as i was staring at them, i couldn't feel a thing, i couldn't react, but words just passed thru my head like crazy. I guess that's what it really means to be speechless, wanting to say lots of things but they're just too many, moving so fast in your brain, that you can't say a thing no more. They touched something deep in me. :)

Imagine, they created a huge party, inside my lil lo' room. They gave it to me, when I was about to end my day. I thought I was going to end my day without a cake and a balloon. . but of course, they didn't let that happen. I really don't know how to express it, but it changed something in me. They slapped the truth across my face that "Real Happiness Lasts a Long Time." I really thought my day would end like any normal day, they proved me wrong, by making it extra special, and memorable. I can't believe these two gave so much effort on my special day, i don't know how i can express my thanks.

Because of this day, I learned how to write again, i couldn't just let this day pass without jolting down what I have learned. I couldn't let this day pass not letting them know what's inside my thoughts, and i could never let this day pass not letting them know how much i appreciate them. :)

Besheeh & Tweeneh. Thank you so much for waking up the joy in my heart again, thank you so much for teaching me how to write again, thank you for showing me that there are really people who cares a lot and would accept me no matter what, thank you for expressing your care and friendship to me in your own simple grand way, thank you for letting me feel that I am not alone, and thank you for letting me see the love of God through you. :)

Tomorrow is not JUST another day, tomorrow is a new day to be happy, to share the joy that is inside of me. Tomorrow won't just be another day like yesterday, tomorrow is full of surprises in its own special way; this is proven true today. :) Today i might be depressed and sad, but you'll never know what tomorrow may bring that would magically erase all of that. Even if you don't have faith that the sun will rise tomorrow, it'll rise no matter what.

Why a box of confetti? It's the simple things that really matters and they're meant to be kept forever. Not just as a memory, but a reminder of what real friendship is all about. :) Don't get me wrong, my day doesn't really end here, you've got to know about the red rose that caused so much trouble and the huge ice cream bowl that melted before it was even touched. ;)

And oh, just wait a little bit more? Coz my days will be full of insights and realizations, just because you gave time to let me feel special on my special day. :) Twenty-one is the number, and God gave me a wonderful beginning for my new year.

God. . Thank you for giving me two wonderful friends, that made me feel special and accepted in one of my lowest point in life. :) I can't thank you enough. :)