Sunday, April 29, 2007


Mah birthday is three days from now and i finally understood the meaning of Joy!!!

JOy is an attitude its not a feeling... Its a choice.. its a choice to feely happy despite the darkness of this world...i finally realized the meaning of "sharing your little light to this world."

Indeed this world is dark and scary, but having Jesus in my very heart shows that i have a dim light inside my heart... but this dim light is actually a huge light that wants to go out and be shared...x3 i need more confidence to let this little light of mine to shine...x3

I actually feel that eyes are always on me, people are very ready to judge me and take me down because of this light that i have... but no matter what happens i shall not breakdown! i shall make this little light of mine shine! I choose be be happy and filled with Joy depsite teh hardships, pain, and sufferings of this life!

without suferings, pain and hardship, there is no such thing as joy too..x3 i just read a story from our church goes like this..

there's a little girl who felt so bad coz she failed her grades, her boyfriend breaked up with her, her best friend is going her mom asked her daughter if she would like some cake, and this little girl loves her mother's cake so much.

her mom asked her if she'd like some flour, she said "eww" then asked if she'd like some salt and raw eggs she said, "gross mom!" then her mom asked if she'd like some baking soda and cooking oil, "Mom that's so yucky!" then her mom replied,

"Yes, all those things seem bad all by themselves. But whne they are put together in the right way, they make a wonderfully delicious cake!"

God works in teh same way. Many times we wonder why He would let us go through such bad and difficult times. But God know that when He puts these things all in His order, they always work for good! We just have to trust Him and, eventually, they will all make something wonderful! This is God's idea of His cake!

SO come on! let's bake some cake!!:D with a little cup of faith, a teaspon of love, and a handful of joy, surely that cake is worth sharing for!:D


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